1 John 2:23 KJV
[23] Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.
You cannot have one without the other. The only way to have a right relationship with God is to have a real relationship with Christ. There are many in this world who claim to know God but reject Christ. They want nothing to do with Christianity, nothing to do with the cross and nothing to do with those who believe.
Our verse is very simple. If you deny Jesus, then you know not God. If you accept Jesus, then you have God as your Heavenly Father. What a tragedy for many, and what a triumph for those who acknowledge the Son. We know that Jesus is God, for the Bible says in Colossians 1:19, “For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell”. The Father dwells in the Son and the Son in the Father. This makes them inseparable.
For those who would teach you can have the Father without the Son, are not only wrong, but John wants us to see they are anti-Christs. This is as offensive to God as it would be to any earthly father. There is not a father, who loves his son, that would allow someone to accept them, but not their son.
God did what no earthly father could do or would do. He gave his only begotten Son that man could be saved. The Son loved the Father and humanity so much that he was willing to give his life. If man wants to bypass the Son of God, he will never enter into heavens portals. The Son dwells with the Father and will be with him in eternity. Have you accepted the Son? Will you be with the Father in eternity? t Table 7 Co