“Fact or Fiction”

1 John 3:4

 [4] Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

If you believe the Bible, then you believe it to be a book of facts, and not fiction. So, what about this verse? Read it carefully and think about it. If we are now under grace, and not the law, then how is it that we transgress the law? Many teach because we are living under grace that the law is not effective in the lives of New Testament believers. They say that we can throw away the rule book and live as we please, and do as we will, because we are no longer under the law, but under grace. In the midst of all this confusion, I simply want to point out what is fact and what is fiction. Our text verse will help us to do this. 

It is a fact that we are not under the law anymore as a system. We are now living in the dispensation of grace. Grace is a much better system to live under than the old economy. We are saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Again, all of this is a Bible fact. 

Though the law may not be our system in this dispensation, it is still our standard. The law defines what sin is, and how serious God takes sin. The law reveals that the world is under condemnation and that all men are sinners. The law proves that our standard could never measure up to God’s standard. The law reveals our need for a Savior. 

The fact is, that sin is the transgression of the law.  Even though the law is not the system we are living by, it should still be the standard by which we view sin. The law allows us to see sin as God sees it. The law helps us to measure sin by his standard, and not our own. This will produce holy living, rather than reckless living. It will also separate what is fact and what is fiction.