“As The World Turns”

1 John 4:5

[5] “They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.”

I remember as a child, an old soap opera that came on television entitled “As the World Turns.” I had no interest in the show because of my age, and because of the nature of the show itself. What I do remember about it though, was that it was full of filth and drama. There was nothing decent, wholesome or godly about the series. It was a daily show filled with lies, cheating and deceit. As bad as the television series was, it did reveal what was true about the world we live in today. 

As this world turns, it is full of lying, cheating, deceiving, filth and drama. Our verse mentions the word “world” three times. This verse tells us that false teachers and deceivers are of this world. They speak of the world, and they have the world’s ear. The world is listening to them. Has it ever amazed you when someone starts a false doctrine or teaching, how the world will flock to them? On the other hand, the world despises and rejects the truth of the Bible. They turn a deaf ear to the very Book that can rescue them. Why is this? Why is it more inviting for the world to believe a lie? 

The answer is in the first phrase of our verse. The world loves false teachers because they are of the world. They speak the world’s language. This means there is no righteousness or reproof in their message. So the world listens to what they have to say.

As this world turns, it becomes darker and more deceptive. You and I must continue to give out the truth of God’s Word. We must do our best to shine as lights in this world. May God help us to make our lives a light, shining out in the night, to some poor sinner searching for the truth.