“Where Do You Stand?”

1 John 5:12

[12] “He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.”

When I read this verse, there are three things that comes to my mind, nearly every time. Those thoughts are: what a person, what a possession and what a problem. I don’t know if you see them in the verse, but they stand out quite vividly to me. Let’s look at them for our devotional thought today.

First, notice what a wonderful person is in this verse. John is still talking about Jesus. Jesus, the Son of God! In order to possess him, you must believe that he is the only begotten Son of God. It amazes me that someone as sinful as you and I, could be partakers with the Son of God.

Secondly, I see, what a possession. If you are saved, you not only have Jesus, but you have life. This is not talking about physical life, but eternal life! To know that we are going to live forever with Christ is a blessed thought. What a treasure to know that you have the Son of God, and the life of God. 

The third, and final, thing I see in this verse, is a problem. Those who do not have the Son, do not have eternal life. They have no hope in this life, nor in the life to come. We, that are saved, should be telling others about the Son, so they can receive this life.  The world still needs the gospel today. Believers have been commissioned, by God, to share the gospel with sinners. We must live our lives in a way that shows Christ, and exhibits the life of Jesus. A lost world is dead in their sins, and will remain that way, if we do not tell them. There is a double blessing in this verse. First, the blessing of knowing that you have eternal life. Second, the blessing of going to those who do not have it, and telling them about Jesus. Purpose in your heart today that you are going to enjoy both the blessing of knowing, and the blessing of going.