“A Final Word”

1 John 5:21

[21] “Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.”

John is closing this great epistle with a final word of warning. He reminds us to keep ourselves from idols. This may seem like a warning that would not be relevant for us today. I am sure that most readers would say that they do not have wooden statues, or graven idols, hanging on their wall, or sitting on the mantle in their living room. Most of us would agree that we do not bow down to an image each morning, or pray to idols of this kind. Although I realize there are many who still worship the false idols of wood and stone, as they did in days of old, here in America we have managed to modernize idols. 

First think about the definition of an idol. An idol is anything that we devote ourselves to, and allow to come between us and God. Anything that we place our confidence in, more than our confidence in God. Anything that we hold in higher regard than God. Now, people will not make this terrible statement with their lips, but they will with their lives.

For many, sports have become idols. I remember years ago attending a college football game. While I was sitting in the arena, waiting for the team to run out on the field, the music started playing, and I watched as they pulled a cart of huge stone graven mascots to the fifty-yard line. The crowd went wild, and folks started chanting the name of the team. As I watched this I was grieved, and said,  “This is idolatry on full display”.  

There are many other examples of modern-day idols we could talk about. Some have made an idol out of their car, their house, their job, etc. The truth is, we can make anything an idol. Even a good thing can become an idol, when we allow it to take over our heart. Why is it that some are so devoted, so passionate, and so committed, to something like the sporting event that I mentioned, but not that way toward God. Friend, keep yourself from the modern idols of today.