James 1:3
[3[ “Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.”
If we are honest, there are some things we would rather not know about in life. There are even some people we would rather not have known in life. We cannot help but feel that life would be easier, less complicated, or less stressful if we could avoid certain issues, or certain people all together. Our flesh says that, sometimes, ignorance really is bliss.
If patience were a person, I think I would avoid her altogether. She would slow me down in my daily schedule. She would stress me out when I’m trying to finish a project, or a goal that I have set. Patience would hinder me when my wants and desires are saying to me, “buy this now, or go here today”. She is always operating at a different pace, and the words “hurry or deadline” mean absolutely nothing to her.
The Bible says we need to know patience. The way we get to know patience is through the trials we face. Trials can slow us down and hinder our plans at times. They can even burden and break us to the point that we feel like we can’t go on. God is using the pressure of the trial to strengthen our faith, and bring patience to us. We learn to trust God more because patience is present. We may have tried to avoid her, and even ignore her at times, but she will not leave us. God knows how much we need her. We do not appreciate her in everyday life, but when we are burdened down, or going through a trial, patience gives us hope. Patience tells us that God’s promises will come to pass. Patience helps us to lean on the Lord when we cannot see what He is doing in our lives. Patience keeps us from giving up, and helps us to go on. Patience becomes a good companion in the hard times of life. The more we know about patience, the more we know about God.