James 5:6 KJV
[6] “Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you.”
We read in the Scriptures that evil, rich men have killed the righteous. Those righteous heroes of the faith died willingly without any resistance. Think of our Savior who willingly gave His life into the hands of sinful man. Organized religion, money, and power are what motivated men to crucify the most righteous man that ever lived. We know this was all a part of God’s plan, but every man involved made a conscience decision in the matter.
I think about men like Stephen, who died at the hand of Saul of Tarsus; James, who died at the hand of Herod; and Paul, who later died at the hand of Nero. Many others are mentioned throughout the Scriptures and church history. Their bravery and Christianity have marked society like no other. The warfare they faced was spiritual, not physical.
Satan used the evil men of this world to falsely condemn and kill the just. Though they went silently to their graves, the voices of the martyrs have continued to ring out loud and clear throughout the ages. The cross cannot be ignored, the church still marches on, and Christianity has spread to the four corners of the earth. The declaration is that God always wins, and the Devil always loses. Righteousness always prevails over unrighteousness.
One day the record is going to be set! One day every knee will bow before the Judge of this earth. The Lord Jesus Christ will judge the saved and the lost. Those who are in Him will rejoice, and those who have rejected Him will suffer throughout eternity. There will be no escaping the judgment of God when that time comes. The heathen will receive their reward for the wrong they have done in this world. The just will be rewarded for their faithfulness to Him. Those who have given their lives for the cause of Christ will not be forgotten, but they will reign with Him on high!