James 5:8 KJV
[8] “Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.”
This verse opens with James reminding us to be still. Don’t get in a hurry, don’t try to get ahead, or worry about the outcomes of life. Just be patient and wait on God. Trust Him even though you may not be able to see or understand what is going on.
Secondly, he reminds us to be strong. We are to establish our hearts. We need strong Christians in this world today, because society is as unstable as water. There are a lot of people living in fear, wondering what is going to happen next. We have a great opportunity as believers to show sinners the strength they can find in knowing Christ.
Thirdly, he tells us to be sure. We can be still and have strength of heart because we can be sure that Jesus is coming. James reminds us of the fact that His coming is drawing nigh. Friend, we are getting closer each passing day to His coming, and we must be faithful until He comes to take us out of this world. Be determined not to give in to the pressures of life and the pleasures of sin in the final stretch of the journey. We are almost at the finish line of this great race.
No matter what we have to face between here and there, make up your mind not to give in. Settle it in your soul that you’re not going to give up. Determine that as we get closer to His return, you’re not going to coast through your Christian life but press on with fervency for the glory of God.
Remember, every morning the sun rises is one day closer to the coming of Jesus Christ. Today could be the day He comes to catch His bride away. If He comes today, are you ready? Have you made the final preparation?