“The Second Prayer”

James 5:18 KJV

[18] “And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.”

     The second prayer of Elijah brought about a second miracle. It was amazing to see the Lord shut up the heavens, but an even greater witness to see Him open them up again! The second prayer proved several things to Elijah and those who witnessed the event.

     First, it proved that the Lord had not yet finished His work. For three and half years, there had been no rain, and some questioned if it would ever rain again, but the second prayer gave them hope that the Lord was still working. He had not forgotten His people and was still concerned about their situation.

     Secondly, it proved that He still answers prayer. I’m sure many people were praying for rain, and when the rain began to fall, it reminded them that God was listening. In dry times we all wonder what God is doing and if He is still listening. The rain proved that the second prayer was as powerful as the first.

     Finally, it proved the accomplishment of the will of God. The Lord never does anything without a purpose and a plan. Shutting up the heavens was part of God’s plan to get the attention of the King and His own people. It serves a great purpose to all of us as we read the account today.

     Don’t forget when you pray about things to pray a second prayer. What I mean is, don’t assume that the Lord has finished just because He answered the first prayer. Pray another prayer regarding the burden that He placed on your heart. The second prayer may be the greatest of the two. It may also be the most needed prayer.