“A Backslidden Brother”

James 5:19 KJV

[19] “Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;”

     James mentions two men in our text. He first speaks of a careless backslider, and then a concerned brother is mentioned. We have witnessed both types of men, and honestly, we have been both. These are certainly two men to whom we can all relate.

     Consider the first man in our text. He is a brother who has erred from the truth. He has made a conscious choice to go his own way. He drifted from what once held him in the right way. His decision does not make sense because it does not line up with sound doctrine. We all know someone who resembles this man.

     I heard an illustration concerning a man who played an instrument very skillfully. Someone asked him what would happen if he stopped practicing. He replied, “After one day, I would know it. After two days, the conductor would know it. After three days, the orchestra would know it. After that, everybody would know it.”

     Consider the second man in our text. He is concerned about the path his brother is taking. He realizes that someone must help to convert him from his sinful ways. We must go after lost sinners, but let’s not forget those who have strayed from the truth. We need a burden for those who are backslidden and away from God. We must warn them and witness to them as well. They need to see our concern for them and feel our compassion toward them. I hope that if I had ever backslidden, someone would visit me and lovingly warn me of the awful consequences of forsaking the truth. I would not need someone to tell me that the way I was living, and the things I was doing, were okay. I would need a concerned brother to bring me back to the truth.