“Filthy Dreamers”

Jude 8 KJV

[8] “Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.”

    The morals of our nation have been decaying for decades. America has long accepted sins such as fornication, adultery, divorce, and pornography. Hollywood has not only whitewashed these sins but has strongly advocated them within the movie industry. The slogan “sex sells” is their theme, and family values are destroyed by these filthy dreamers.

     They are now taking their perversion to an even darker and more depraved level by promoting the LGBT movement. They want to exalt their wickedness and shame anyone who stands against it. They are trying to force it on our children and promote it in their movies, magazines, and music. Our public school systems are no longer about education but have become about indoctrination.

     However, the shocking reality is that these filthy dreamers did not start in Hollywood; they began in the church. They did not start out wearing the title of a politician but rather the title of a preacher. This country became derailed when people started rejecting the truth of God’s Word. This nation started down this slippery slope when we allowed these filthy dreamers to invade our colleges and churches with their corrupt bibles and beliefs. People began turning their ears away from the truth and traded the power of God for a form of godliness. Now, look where we are today. Apostasy has filled our land, truth has fallen in the streets, and they are teaching our children that they can be a boy, a girl, or even an animal if they want to. We need old-time preaching of the Bible now more than ever! May the Lord give us another generation of men who will cry aloud and spare not about the sins of our nation.