“Mark These Men”

Jude 11 KJV

[11] “Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.”

     The three men in this verse depict apostates. In doctrine, Cain rejected the blood atonement; in desires, Balaam sold out for money; and in disrespect, Core disrespected Moses. You will still find this true about the apostates of our day. They are in error in their teaching and handling of finances, and there is no regard for preachers who preach with authority.

     Someone asked me about a group of so-called preachers who loved to mock other men of God. They regularly made it their practice to mock other men’s preaching and ministries. I told the individual that if those men were truly saved and did not repent, they would suffer the consequences of their actions. You cannot mock men of God and get by with it. If they continued to mock preachers and suffered no ill effects, then mark it down, they are not saved. These men all claimed to be preachers when, in reality, they were nothing more than apostates. They have never known the truth of God’s Word. They do not have the Spirit of God, so they have no fear of God.

     We must mark these kinds of men. We cannot afford to be fooled by them or their agenda. Apostates will always be in this world until Christ returns. Real men of God are known for the truth that they preach. They are known for having a spirit of humility and genuine love for God and His people. They are concerned about your soul and not your pocketbook. Thank God for the old-time preachers of the past and the present, who have preached it right and kept it tight down through the years. These are holy men of God who are well-respected and walk with God. They are men who have made their mark on us for the cause of Christ and taught us to mark the apostates of our day.