And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled – Luke 14:23

Pastor Gravley knows the value of the bus ministry in his own life and so does the congregation of Bible Baptist Church. Bible has a bus ministry that is growing and seeing many children and adults come to know Christ as their savior. Every Saturday morning the children receive a personal invitation to ride our bus and join us again for worship. On their arrival they receive a free meal, lots of friendly faces and kind words of compassion from both the bus workers and the membership. They learn to sing songs, hear challenging messages, see exciting illustrations and are given a clear presentation of the gospel. The bus ministry is one of our most exciting ministries at BBC.

Need a ride? Give us a call!
For a ride call: Lamar Sosbee (423) 298-7538

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