1 Peter 2:4 KJV
[4] “To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious,”
The Roman Catholic Church declares Peter to be the rock on which the church was built. They have erected statues and enormous buildings filled with beauty and organized religion. They have elected popes and declared their false religion to the known world. If you read Peter’s own words, you will quickly see the error of this occult.
Peter never declares himself to be anything but declares that Christ is the Rock upon which the church was built. “Peter” means “a small stone, a pebble, loose and movable.” His name comes from the Greek word “petros.” “Petra” is the word for rock and means “an unmovable mass of stone.” We know that this Rock is Jesus!
The Jewish establishment rejected Jesus and crucified Him. They hated everything about Him because he exposed their need for salvation. They trusted their religion over the Savior. Peter says that He was “disallowed indeed of men.” No man ever faced more rejection than Jesus Christ. They despised Him, mocked Him, and lied about Him.
Though Christ endured rejection of men, He was chosen of God! There was nothing the devil or man could do about God’s plan of salvation. I’m glad that man couldn’t detour Him, the devil couldn’t stop Him, and the grave couldn’t defeat Him. Christ is the Living Stone and chosen by God to die to satisfy the sin debt before the foundation of the world.
Peter ends this verse by saying that He is precious. It reminds me of an old song the saints used to sing entitled “He is So Precious to Me.” If you know Jesus, then you know how precious He is. He is more precious than silver and gold. He is more precious than life itself. He makes life worth living! Christ is the Living Stone that gives life to all who trust Him.
I want to challenge us all to tell someone about Him today. Somewhere along our journey through life, we will find someone living in life’s sinking sand. Take the time to tell them about the Rock worth standing on. Give the gospel to some poor soul who needs His saving grace.