1 Peter 3:7 KJV
[7] “Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.”
In this chapter, Peter has much to say to the wife, but now he turns his attention to the husband. What he has to say to the man of the house may not be as lengthy, but it is just as important. In this verse, he gives instructions to the husband that will bring blessings to him and his wife if he follows them.
The first instruction given is to dwell with his wife according to knowledge. That means that the husband needs to listen to his wife. He should study her and understand her. We all know that men are not known for being the best listeners, but this is a matter of spirituality. The spiritual man gives ear to the individuals in his life who are most important to him. He listens to the Spirit of God, and he listens to the voice of his wife. He wants to know what her needs are, and he wants to know what is on her mind.
The second instruction is to honor his wife. She is the weaker, more delicate vessel and should be cared for like a fine piece of china. She should not be mistreated or dealt with harshly because she is a precious vessel. A husband honors his wife by loving her, listening to her, leading her, and keeping burdens from her as much as possible. Some women have grown bitter because of the heavy burdens they have had to bear or because they felt unloved by their husbands.
The third instruction is to provide an atmosphere of working together in harmony. The husband and wife are heirs together in life. That means that they are a team working together and supporting each other. The wife is to submit to her husband as he leads, but it is clear that she is not a slave but his spouse. Sarah called Abraham lord because he treated her like a princess, which is what her name means. It is easier for a wife to submit to a husband who treats her with respect and admiration.
The final instruction to the husband is to treat his wife how the Lord intended, or it will hinder their prayers. He is the spiritual leader, and if he is mistreating the heart of the home, then he is grieving the Holy Spirit. A spiritual husband will love his wife the way Christ loves the church.