“The Right Perspective”

1 Peter 3:12 KJV

[12] “For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, And his ears are open unto their prayers: But the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.”

     What a blessing to know that God sees us at all times. He is always watching over us as we journey through life, and I am glad He walks ahead of us and knows our tomorrows. God loves his children and wants the best for each of us. He is a wonderful Father who cares about us and knows our frame. He can be touched with the feelings of our infirmities. The God of Glory is looking down upon us now. That alone should give us comfort as we seek to serve Him. 

     He not only watches us, but He listens to us. His ears are open to our prayers. No wonder the Devil tries to discourage us from praying. He knows the Lord cares about our prayers and that He is listening. Has the Devil ever told you that there was no need to pray? Has he ever told you that God was not listening when you prayed? Here is a verse that tells you the Devil is a liar, and God is listening to your prayers. What a blessing to know that God is more willing to hear from us than we are inclined to ask. Dear reader, He is listening now and is waiting to hear from you. I encourage you to take your burdens to the Lord. 

     We must keep the proper perspective about our relationship to God as believers. We must also keep the correct perspective about God’s relationship with unbelievers. The Lord is against them that do evil. Those who live a wicked life will face the judgment of God. In the last days, the deeds of evil men will only worsen. However, they will not get by with their sins. Sin will never go unpunished, and there is coming a day when those who have promoted evil and mocked God will have to face their punishment. They will not get by with their wicked lifestyles.      

When I read this verse, it is also a reminder that believers can act like unbelievers sometimes. It is a sad commentary, but believers have done evil in the church. They have stirred up trouble and strife in churches and caused damage to the cause of Christ. The evidence of their salvation is that they face swift chastisement for their evil deeds. They reap trouble and heartache and sometimes even death. They went to a premature grave because the face of the Lord was against them for their evil deeds. Let this verse be both a blessing and a warning to us as children of God. May we live in the positive light of this verse and not the negative.