“The Judge is Ready”

1 Peter 4:5 KJV 

[5] “who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead.”

     We cannot escape the fact or deny that we are all headed to a Judgment Seat. If you have accepted Christ as your Savior, you will stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ. You will give an account of your life and service for Christ. If you have served Him with the right motive, you will be rewarded for your service to Him. If you have served Him with any other motive, then your works will be burned in the fire. 

     If you have rejected Christ, you will stand at the Great White Throne Judgment. You will give an account of your life, and your works will determine your place in the Lake of Fire. You will have no hope of ever being saved at this judgment seat. Your eternal destiny will have already been determined because you chose not to accept Christ as your Savior. 

     What astonishes me about this verse is that the Judge is ready to judge both the quick and the dead. This means Christ will deal with both the saint and the sinner. Dear reader, are you prepared for this judgment? None of us know the day or the hour that we will leave his world, so we must be ready at any moment. 

     The Bible says that the Father has given Christ the authority to judge both the saved and the lost. One day, we will all face the One who gave His life for us on the cross. It will be both a fearful and joyous occasion for the redeemed. I must confess that I am not looking forward to the Judgment Seat of Christ, but I am glad that I know the Judge. I can say that He is my dearest friend. We all know that when you enter the courtroom, it does matter who you know. 

     If you are not saved, remember there is still time. Today is the day of salvation! Sinner, do not put off the decision regarding your eternal destination. Trust Christ today, and you can be ready to face the Judge in eternity. There is no greater joy than knowing you are prepared to meet God. Believe the gospel message that Jesus died for you, was buried, and rose from the dead. Salvation is simple, and you can be saved if you are willing to repent of your sins and ask Christ to save you. The old song, “There’s a Great Day Coming,” comes to mind when I read this verse. My friend, judgment day is approaching sooner than this world can imagine. Please make sure you are ready to meet the Judge.