“A Spiritual Word in a Seducing World”

1 John 2:26 KJV

[26] These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.

The word seduce means to draw away from what is right. This is how Satan works against man. He makes false doctrine appealing to the flesh, in order to lure men away from the truth. He organizes religion, makes it attractive and fills his teaching with seducers who are full of charisma and charm, in order to catch the attention of those who they come in contact with. His ultimate goal is to get man to believe anything other than the truth. 

John is concerned about believers being seduced by false teachers, so he writes this epistle to them. Let us be reminded that the epistle he is writing is the word of God. We do not need to study false doctrine to overcome its teaching, all we need is the truth. The Bible is the answer for defeating any Satanic seduction we might encounter. 

We live in a time when believers are easily drawn away. Failure to read and study God’s Word is the result of this sad commentary. Attending a Bible believing and preaching church will help, but it is not enough. Faithful attendance to Sunday School is a must for every believer, but it is not enough. Even a godly heritage and family altar is commendable, but it is still not a substitute for our own personal devotion. To keep from being drawn away by these seducers, we must daily feed on the word of God. 

We must not be deceived into thinking that we are above being seduced.  This would be the first sign of letting down your guard. Greater Christians than any of us have been swept away by false teaching and doctrine. All that a seducer needs is a listening ear. Make up your mind to be a student of the Bible all the days of your life.