1 Peter 4:9 KJV
[9] “Use hospitality one to another without grudging.”
It is shocking to see someone who claims to be a child of God hold a grudge against another brother, but I understand that none of us are above it. I realize that my flesh is capable of harboring ill feelings toward another brother just as quickly as others. I also take into consideration those who may have been victims of abuse and that it may take years for them to overcome the trauma of their past. We all know God’s grace is sufficient, and it is never His will for us to live our lives holding on to ill feelings that ultimately destroy us and do nothing to those we have an offense against.
I’m primarily talking about people who won’t get over being upset about things that will not matter in eternity. It shocks me as a pastor to see folks refuse to speak to another brother in Christ. They were offended over something and won’t let it go. It is even among preachers today. You cannot be in fellowship with God and out of fellowship with another brother. If you bypass them in the church aisle, what makes you think you can access the throne room? How can you come to the Throne of Grace to talk with God when you show no grace or kindness to a brother or sister? I’ve witnessed people singing, shouting, and preaching without first settling issues with others in the family of God. Friend, this is hypocrisy and not taking a stand for what is right. The only person this devotional will offend is the one holding the grudge who thinks they are the exception to this verse.
Remember, Peter was talking to people experiencing persecution for their faith. He wasn’t talking to a church member sitting on a padded pew, mad at another member because they were offended by a silly social event or snide remark. I knew a lady who harbored bitterness toward another sister for over thirty years, and the one she was upset with has now been in glory for at least ten years. I don’t know if she is still living, but the last time I saw her, she was still a sour old saint who couldn’t let the past go. Dear reader, don’t spend your days being ill toward a brother or sister. You will regret it deeply on judgment day. You will give an account to the One who never held a grudge against us for all the wrongs we did to Him, even after salvation. Why not show the same grace to others that He has shown you? Also, dear preacher brother, don’t divide the Bride because you are too proud to show grace to another preacher. To be loving to him is not compromising; it is Christianity, and if anyone should display this behavior, it should be men of God.