Sunday School
Youth Classes

Starting Point Nursery
Sister Cheryl RatterreeThe Starting Point Nursery is held upstairs in our Sunday School department. This class has everything your infant/toddler needs to start attending Sunday School. The class provides special learning toys and music that helps introduce them to the Bible. They will have a Bible story read to them each Sunday and be given special care by nursery workers.
Little Fishers Beginner Class
Sister Tyra WhitlowAges
Kingdom Kids Primary Class
Sister Esther RatterreeAges
Lamplighters Junior Class
Brother Chris ClaridyThe Lamplighter Bible Class is held in the upstairs area of our Sunday School department. This an exciting class that challenges our juniors to study their Bible and develop a personal walk with the Lord. The teacher of the Lamplighters Bible class is Bro. Chris Clarity.
Front Line Bible Class
Brother Sam HarrisAges
12-17Adult Classes

Higher Ground Bible Class
Brother Tim JonesAges
Family Foundation Class
Pastor Ricky GravleyAges
Open Door Bible Class
Brother Danny AllenThe Open Door Bible Class is held in the Main Auditorium and those of all ages are welcome to attend. Attendees will hear compelling Biblical teaching that will challenge and encourage them in their walk with the Lord.
all ages