“The Sinless Savior”

1 Peter 2:22 KJV

[22] “who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:”

     When we think about this verse, we must remember that Peter spent a lot of time with Jesus. He walked with our Lord for over three years. He knew Jesus on a very personal level. Peter had closely studied the life of Christ. He saw Jesus daily and had many conversations with Him. Peter witnessed Jesus under the pressure of the religious circles of his day. He observed Him when He was under the pressure of the multitudes constantly surrounding Him to meet their physical needs. Peter saw Him when society rejected Him. He was present when people were calling Him mad, and he watched as they tortured and crucified Him. 

     After everything Peter saw and heard, he dogmatically declared that Jesus did not sin. What a powerful witness! What a tremendous testimony! Jesus is not only our example of how to handle suffering but also how to handle sin. I know we will not be sinless until we get to glory, but what a blessing to have a sinless Savior. Jesus was not only sinless, but He could not sin because He is God in the flesh. Jesus lived a sinless life and became the supreme sacrifice for man’s sins. 

     Jesus was free from craftiness, strife, and deceit. There was no guile found in Him. Christ was genuine with everyone in His presence. He treated others with a pure conscience and love for all men. Jesus cared for every soul that He came in contact with. It did not matter who they were or their condition. Jesus did not play the mind games that a lot of people play today. They could trust Him because He was sinless.

     We can still trust Jesus today! He has not changed at all. Jesus is still sinless, and He always will be. We must learn to be like Christ. We can sin less if we continually follow after Him. I want to encourage you to keep your eyes on Jesus and continue to look up. One day soon, we will hear the trumpet sound, and the church will be gone. We have this blessed hope because God gave it to us in His word. 

    I am not depending on my goodness or what I have done. I am depending on what Jesus did on the cross for me. Since I got saved, I have sinned enough to send me to Hell. However, salvation has nothing to do with my life but the life of Jesus Christ. He gave His sinless life to pay the sin debt for the whole world by dying on the cross. Indeed, Christians are not perfect, just forgiven. There was only one perfect man, and the world crucified Him. He lived a sinless life and died so the guilty could go free.