“Treating the Brethren Right”

(Part Three)

1 Peter 3:10 KJV

[10] “For He that will love life, And see good days, Let him refrain his tongue from evil, And his lips that they speak no guile:”

     In this verse, God gives believers the formula for loving life and seeing good days. It has nothing to do with circumstances, riches, or an easy way of life. It has everything to do with a man’s spirit and self-control. If we treat our brethren right and refrain our tongue from evil, then we will have great joy and live free from bitterness and anger. The word “guile” means to bait or snare. The Devil sets a trap for God’s children by enticing us to hurt each other. We must not take the bait, or it will be a snare to all of us. The tongue will destroy relationships meant to last a lifetime. It can cause us to grow bitter and not see the good days the Lord intended for us to see. 

     If you are saved, then you know that the Lord has allowed you to see better days as a child of God than as a child of the Devil. He has allowed you to love life on a level you never could have imagined when you were lost. Life may not have been easier after salvation, but it became better. It has gotten better in the sense that you are no longer alone. You have the Holy Spirit to guide you and the brethren to encourage you. The Lord has given you His Word and the privilege to pray and cast your burdens upon Him. He has promised never to leave you or forsake you. Life is good knowing Jesus in the free pardon of sin. 

     All of these promises and benefits should help us to live joyfully, and they should encourage us to treat one another with love and respect. We should endeavor to love our brethren. We must hold each other up in prayer and strive to work through any misunderstandings that may come our way. We must never give an ear to the latest gossip. Spirit-filled people will pray for the brethren instead of running them down. Rest assured, if you hear someone mistreating or talking about another brother, you can be sure they are not praying for them. Lord, help us refrain from speaking evil of anyone, especially our brothers in Christ. Instead, may we speak of each other in a positive way and find the good qualities that God has given to each of us. Lord, help us encourage others and build one another up in the faith. We all need each other in the work of God.